Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 1

According to the couch to 5k training schedule I need to walk for 28min today and run for 2min.  I can totally do this.  It's just trying to keep the kids occupied for 30 minutes. While the weather seems to be pretty nice, we may have to keep it indoors today as my little Prince was coughing all night.   Why is it that when Mommy decides to start taking care of herself, something happens to the kids?  Seriously, I tried everything for the poor little guy, even a dose of his cough medicine with codine, and he STILL was coughing all night long.  I've been talking a lot about making healthy choices with my kids.  I want them to be thinking about those healthy choices even if I'm setting a bad example.  So yesterday my kids gave me two movie sized bags of M&M's for Mother's day.  I ate them both while chatting with my Mom and Sister-in-Law (who will from now on just be called my Sister, because the in-law part makes it sound like she isn't really part of the family!) Anyway, when we went to Church I had to use the restroom due to my poor choices. I took Little Prince with me because I knew he would need to use the facilities as well.  He asked why I needed to use the restroom and I told him because I ate too much junk food. He thinks about it and then informs me that "maybe that wasn't such a healthy choice!" We then talked about how next time he wants to get me chocolate that it is okay to get a little, but maybe he can get me a piece of fruit as well. He thinks about it again and says "Nahhh!" so I said, "well for next time" and he replies, "well, okay!"  I'm glad I have him thinking about what are healthy choices and what are not.  I hope to start leading a healthy life style to set a good example for my kids. I don't want them to be teased for being fat like my husband and I were.  So anyway....I'm off to the treadmill....and then, perhaps a nap;)

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