Thursday, November 17, 2011

16 weeks

Well, I can't say much for training, but I am still exercising.  I am doing deep water aerobics twice a week and have recently added 5 laps around the lazy river against the current.  I am feeling good overall, just tired. I am also maintaining my weight which is a goal of mine.  I don't want to gain any or very little this pregnancy.  Just thought I'd drop in and update.  I look forward to Onederland after this baby is born:)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Great News!!

We are having a baby!!  I plan on continuing my training, just not pushing things too hard.  As soon as I get the okay from my doctor on Wednesday I'm going to start riding my bike and walking again:)  Wish us luck!!  I still am aiming on doing a Tri Sprint next summer:) Baby will be due in early May so I'll have a month or two to really push my training after baby is born:)  All that really matters though is that I'll be in better shape in a year than I am in now!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Changing meds

Well, I have been in the process of changing my depression meds to different ones that are safer for pregnancy in the hopes that we will be able to expand our family in the near future.  The new meds are not as good as my old ones were, and I'm having a hard time adjusting.  In reality I am doing really well, but I am also heavily compensating my new meds with chocolate/junk food.  It works, I hate that it works because I'm gaining weight.  I am trying really hard to learn to compensate with exercise instead, but it is hard.  So I just keep trying. I have also not heard anything from Zigo and I have to say that I am frustrated and annoyed at the company right now.  The president/CEO is great, but the guy he handed me off to has never initiated an e-mail or phone call.  I only hear from him after I send him a few e-mails or call him.  He was supposed to call/e-mail me once he fixed up a demo Zigo leader 2X so I could buy it, but I haven't heard a thing.  So for now I'm letting go of my Zigo dreams.  I can't handle chasing down that dream while my head is still not quite right.  No matter what happens, I still want to participate in a tri sprint next year.  There is a nice one really close to my house that will be in July and has a pool swim instead of an open water swim.  I don't mind the open water swim but many of them require wet suits, and well, that is one thing I just don't want to deal with!  So wish me luck and keep me in your prayers that I can get things under control once again:)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 1 Again

Alrighty, I'm back on track.  I woke up earlier than I have in the past few weeks and rode my bike for a half hour.  I burned 350 calories too:)  YAY!  So I'm back in the saddle again:)  Wish me luck!

Friday, July 22, 2011

I've been off and on the bike.  I am trying to find some sort of routine, but it is eluding me. I'm not giving up though.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Try 2 Day 1

Well I did 30 minutes on my stationary bike at levels 4 and 5 resistance.  I started to sweat so I know I was working:)  I'm determined to not let myself go two days in a row without exercising.  I hear that two days off is all it takes to break a good habit, and I can say that it seems true enough for me.  My husband's sister is getting married next summer, and I really want to be healthy by the time we go.  It's in Washington DC and hopefully not only will I be healthy, but I hope we have our Zigo so we can use it to explore DC.  Anyway, it's the start of a new life:)